Help sustain a healthy ocean.
The ocean gives life to our planet, but now some of its most important ecosystems are under threat. We have created a collaborative multi-donor advised fund to sustain and restore ocean health through impact investments and grants.
Sea Forward Ocean Health Fund at ImpactAssets provides an “everblue” charitable structure for impact investors and philanthropists to contribute tax-deductible dollars and create a meaningful difference in the health of our ocean and the billions of people who depend on it.
Get to Know Us
Listen in to the Seaze podcast (episode 24) where Laura Francis shares the why behind Sea Forward and her vision for addressing the challenges facing the ocean through collaboration, investments, and an ocean impact learning community. ​​​​
Plus, watch our 2024 Women in Ocean Impact webinar on demand, where Laura is joined by four incredible women who are using their talents, passion and creativity to support a thriving and healthy ocean. Through an engaging conversation and Q&A, they shared how their innovative work in impact investing, conservation, and community engagement is tackling some of the greatest challenges facing our ocean.
Impact Investments
We guide investments to funds and companies that generate measurable, beneficial impacts for the ocean. Learn more.
Our grants go to projects and programs that help learn about and protect our ocean. Learn more.